I am pretty excited that we have a date for Eric's admittance to LDS hospital to start his bone marrow transplant, but first I am going to bore you to tears telling you about our week.
Eric's last day of chemo was last Friday, July 26. Eric had a transfusion on Saturday at Intermountain Medical Center. And Sunday was a day of rest--very appropriate! This week was a "cancer lite" week since Eric wasn't having daily chemo infusions and we only had two appointments scheduled.
Monday we went to the cancer clinic for our first appointment, which was just to have blood drawn so they could test Eric's numbers. He was a bit dehydrated so they kept him there and gave him an IV to perk him up. His platelet count was low, so . . .
Tuesday we went to LDS where Eric had two units of platelets and one unit of blood. His platelets were really diving, so . . .
Wednesday we had to go back to LDS to have his blood drawn to test his numbers again. His platelets were good, but his red blood count was low, so . . .
Thursday (today) we went to the cancer clinic for our second appointment of the week. The physician's assistant checked Eric and everything looked good, so we headed to LDS for two units of blood. At the end of the transfusion they checked Eric's blood and discovered he is now low on platelets, so . . .
Friday we go back to LDS for two units of platelets. This "cancer lite" week is wearing me out!
But since you have patiently read this whole pathetic blog post, you will now be rewarded with the date that Eric is going to be admitted to LDS for the real deal! August 19! Hooray!
In the meantime we have lots of appointments scheduled, with more being added all the time, for Eric to be poked and prodded and scanned and x-rayed and counseled and who knows what before the big day.
A big hooray for Debbie, who is also going to be kept very busy preparing for her donation of stem cells. She will be on the road a lot between here and California, and we cannot thank her, and her family, enough for making this sacrifice on our behalf. Please remember them in your prayers also.
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