Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Today's format is going to be Good News/Bad News

Good News:  If you are trying to lose weight, cancer seems to be a sure thing.  Eric has lost 7 pounds since last Friday's appointment.

Bad News:  Eric doesn't really need to be losing any weight, and the more weight Eric loses the more I gain through emotional eating.

Good News:  Eric's red blood cells and platelets are staying up, which means he doesn't need a transfusion in the near future.

Bad News:  Eric's white blood cells are rising, which could mean his cancer is morphing into leukemia.  The doctor will let us know within 24 hours if there is anything to be concerned about.

Bad News:  We have to go in to the doctor on Thursday instead of waiting until Friday because they want to keep a close look on the white blood cell levels.

Good News:  We love our doctor and his staff, and are so grateful they are so diligent.

Bad News:  Eric has been in considerable more pain this past week and has had some of the digestive tract problems associated with pain killer use.

Good News:  We have some great new prescriptions that we hope will take care of everything.  Eric is looking forward to getting some real sleep.

Bad News:  We heard today that the first two of Eric's siblings to have their blood work screened don't match as potential donors.

Good News:  There are 4000 people on the national bone marrow registry who do match.

Bad News:  It has been a rough last few days.

Good News:  We have been smothered with love and support from friends and family.  Eric has received two exceptionally beautiful and comforting blessings.  No matter the number of bad news items, we are always aware that there are even more items of good news.  Thank heavens for a loving Heavenly Father!

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