I wish I had something amazing to report, but if you want amazing you will have to read someone else's blog. At Eric's check up today we found out that his neutrophils were the exact same as they were last week and his platelets and hemactocrit had both dropped. That was a bit depressing and meant we had to spend an extra four hours at the hospital so that Eric could have a blood transfusion. He only needed one unit of blood, so we really can't complain too much.
On the positive side, Eric's skin tone is almost back to normal after the discoloration from the chemotherapy. Eric's weight is up and his overall white blood count was up. We also both got a lot of reading done today!
We will continue to have weekly appointments for the foreseeable future AND today we made the appointment for Eric's 100 day check up in December. Our coordinator told us that at the 100 day check up they do tests that let them know how much of Eric's blood is his and how much is Debbie's. I don't know how it all works, but it sounds pretty intriguing. After all we have been through, we are expecting some pretty amazing super powers!
hello you two...looks like steady progress...kort and I follow with prayers and support....who knew that now you have time to cataloge and carbon date your petrified wood, who said i don't have good ideas? kort is as busy as ever, im sure one day i am going to look over at him in the pharmacy and he is going to be a petrified pharmacist......so keep hanging in.....marylynn you are my inspiration, really....bj and kort