Sunday, September 15, 2013

My how time flies when you are having fun

Tomorrow it will be four weeks since Eric was admitted to LDS hospital.  Days can seem long, but the four weeks have flown by.  Eric in the hospital is our new normal and it will be interesting to see how we adapt when Eric comes home.

Speaking of coming home, Eric's neutrophil count was .2 on Saturday and .3 today!  We are so excited!  He just has to make it to .5 in order to be considered for discharge.  So far Eric hasn't had any pain with the growth of the new cells in his bone marrow cavities.  In fact, tonight they are taking Eric off of the pain meds they were giving him for the mouth sores and other GI track woes.

Eric also started eating today after a week of nourishment through his IV.  His first solid food was when two sets of husband and wife missionaries brought us the sacrament.  That seemed like an excellent way to start back on food, and we were both pleased that he tolerated it well.  From there Eric ate a small container of applesauce, two bites of a banana, a saltine cracker, and two club crackers--all carefully spaced throughout the day.  His doctor teased Eric that it would be a long time weaning him off of the IV nourishment if he only ate 10 calories a day.  Having lost 25 pounds, Eric is lean and not so mean.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  We know they have made a difference.  Thank you also for your calls, visits, emails and notes.  Eric and I have felt very loved and remembered.  So many of you have made a difference in our ability to cope with the challenges we have faced.  We love every one of you!

In particular I want to mention three very special men who have each visited Eric dozens of times.  They have listened to Eric's woes, given Eric something to look forward to, kept Eric's spirits up, walked laps with him around the nurses' station, and given me some free time.  It would be amazing to have one friend like this, but to have three is a miracle.  I don't want to mention them by name, but Jeff, Tom and Steve, you know who you are!


  1. You are wonderful, both of you! Complete heroes in the trenches. We have thought of and prayed for you often. Wonderful news that Eric is doing so well!

  2. Yea! I am happy to hear such good news.

  3. To settle the inevitable speculation, I am not the "Steve" mentioned above.

  4. That is such great news!! So happy that he is improving and feeling better! YAY!! So many of my friends have asked how he is doing and I can't wait to share the good news with them!

  5. Great news; both of you are inspirations and we cheer you on!
